Cyprus Properties for Sale - Altamira Real Estate (Cyprus)

8000 8200 +357 22 696500


Field (Share) - Dromolaxia, Larnaca

Larnaca - Ref. PR40031Map

Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
Field-Dromolaxia - Meneou-PR40031
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Field (Share) - Dromolaxia, Larnaca

Ref. PR40031

Partially subject to VAT


Indicative Price

  • 8,415 m2 (whole share)
  • Share for sale:

Available for sale is the undivided 25093/75270 share of a residential field, which corresponds to an area of approximately 2,805 sqm, in Dromolaxia quarter, of Dromolaxia – Meneou municipality of Larnaca district. It is situated approximately 710 m northwest from Larnaca airport and approximately 700 m east from Dimokratias Avenue.

It has an irregular shape and an inclined surface. It abuts onto a public registered road along its northern boundary with frontage of approximately 57 meters. It is worth noting that the northern frontage does not exist on spot.

The field is subject to a possible compulsory acquisition due to the future construction of a Secondary road network.

It lies within residential Town Planning Zone Κα6 (95%) which allows for the development of a two-storey building with a building factor of 90% and within the Protection zone Δα2 (5%) with a building density of 1%. It is also suitable for plot separation or a residential development.


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The Tenderer is exclusively responsible for conducting an inspection of the Property and to take all actions necessary to verify and / or be satisfied on the accuracy of the details of the Property (including planning particulars, boundaries a.o), and in addition to ascertain whether the sale of the Property is subject to VAT and the exact amount payable. In case of disagreement, it is the sole responsibility of the Tenderer to provide relevant evidence to satisfy Altamira Real Estate.

The Terms and Conditions found on the Tender form must be carefully considered prior to submitting an Offer. 

Any photographs, markings, outlines, or other design on the photographs are indicative and for illustration purposes only.

All planning particulars or other features of the property must be checked with the relevant authorities. Altamira Real Estate is not bound to accept the highest or any other offer submitted. 

The above price may be modified without any prior notice.

All information received from Altamira Real Estate (through the website and / or its operators and / or otherwise) is indicative and no guarantee is given for its completeness and / or validity.

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District: Larnaca

Municipality: Dromolaxia - Meneou

Quarter: Dromolaxia


  • Use: Agricultural
  • Land area: 8,415 m2 (whole share)

Land Registry Information

Reference Reg. Nº Sheet/Plan Block Parcel Nº
PR40031 0/7518 50/23 0 606
  • Planning zone: Δα2 5
  • Building Coefficient: 1%
  • Coverage Coefficient: 1%
  • Maximum Floors Allowed: 1
  • Maximum Building Height (m): 5,50
  • Planning zone: Κα6 95
  • Building Coefficient: 90%
  • Coverage Coefficient: 50%
  • Maximum Floors Allowed: 2
  • Maximum Building Height (m): 10

Tender Form

The Tenderers may submit their Tenders within seven (7) calendar days from the publication date displayed on (hereinafter "Altamira Website"). In the case where it is decided that the period of seven (7) calendar days is not sufficient, the period may be extended by an announcement to that effect on Altamira Website as indicated above within the Tender Form Section of each property. Following the expiration of the submission period, if no Tender has been submitted, the property will remain on Altamira Website and the submission period shall be extended on a weekly basis. Otherwise, in the case where a Tender has been received, the property will be removed from Altamira Website.


Open in Google Maps

(34.87320327758789, 33.59959411621094)
